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The  "Cool"  Team

In  The  Flesh

Also known as Cool Town Claymation, Cool Town Creations is an innovative platform for creative artists to collaborate and turn a simple thought into something tangible - stop-motion animation that is entertaining, educational and visually stunning. We're an independent production studio specializing in miniature set design, puppet fabrication and stop-motion animation.




"Constantine - John Con Noir Ep.1: 'Trash' ": 2015 Featured on


"Spare Some Change": 2009 Winner of Energy Efficient Award in Media Lab Studios Efficient Film Challenge, through IFC, Sundance Channel & Earthjustice 


"The Notorious 101": 2011 Placed 9th in Brisk Iced Tea Video Competition


"A Miracle in Tumble-Dry-Low": 2010 Placed 4th in MOFILM: Pepsi Short Film Video Competition 2010 


"Message From Cool Town": 2010 runner-up in Zeitgeist Films’ A TOWN CALLED PANIC Stop-Motion Animation Contest


"The Beach": 2009 Featured on through Participant Media


So, why the AKA you might ask?


When we began experimenting with stop-motion animation, clay was a material that was no stranger to the medium, and at the time, it was the most accessible. As time progressed, project after project, we discovered our many hidden talents and realized that in order for us to become great at what we do: puppet-making, set design, filmmaking and storytelling, we had to introduce and experiment with various materials alongside of clay.  In doing so, it allowed us to flex our creative muscles and to elevate our craft to a new level. One that would put us where we are today – and even so, we are ever-evolving and still have plenty more growing and learning to do. We’re just creating and telling stories whilst on a journey to mastering the art of stop-motion animation as a whole. Cool Town Creations best represents us as we undergo and move forward in this crazy, crafty and creative expedition!




Clay is a material we still use. In fact, we use various types of clay for creating our puppets and some of our props. It ranges from ultra low end to studio quality clay and everything in between.  As mentioned, we are currently experimenting with various materials such as silicone, latex and a variety of other materials in order to achieve the most efficient puppets and caricatures for our stories. You may notice, some of our puppet’s clothing, accessories, hair and so on, is of various materials.




Same goes for our sets - everything is handmade, with very, very (did we say very?) few exceptions. We have background in Production Design and Prop Making and going from life-size to miniatures was a natural transition. We love miniatures and love creating everything from scratch. From a chain link fence to a checker cab, we welcome all good challenges.


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